Workshops for Educators, Students, & Parents

CRC workshops help teachers and other school staff learn skills for conflict prevention and resolution and repairing harm they can use and teach to students. A unique blend of cognitive and social-emotional learning, CRC’s approach to conflict resolution and restorative practices skill-building can easily be integrated into classroom curriculum. In-school workshops provide interactive activities and games that help students build an inclusive classroom community and recognize creative and positive alternatives to negative behavior. With practice and coaching from teachers, students become proficient in resolving conflict.

When CRC concepts are integrated into the school setting, educators and students feel part of a safer, more open and more productive school community. These skills last beyond school years; they become useful tools to support healthy relationships and communities.

Staff, parent, and in-classroom workshops include:

We can design workshops for individual needs. If you are interested in having CRC do a workshop for your staff or students, please contact us at (845) 574-4225 or We also teach a graduate level class on conflict resolution for educators.